Alex Da Corte’s Social Eye

The artist answers our Instagram social q’s.

Alex Da Corte

Alex Da Corte, also known as @alexdacorte, has something of a Duchampian eye for “found objects, not precious art,” as he told W this February in reference to Die Hexe, the haunted house he installed at Luxembourg & Dayan. Da Corte’s Instagram account—while used less for work and more for pleasure—provides a constant window onto this unique perspective, which makes the mundane seem extraordinary. His unfiltered photos of a man wearing his sunglasses on the back of his head, or a toy car precariously parked on a meter are examples of everyday scenes made surreal (and downright silly). Here, Da Corte answers our social q’s with a similar levity.

Occupation: Thief.

Describe your Instagram aesthetic: Hall-o-ween.

What is your favorite thing to photograph? Coincidence.

One thing you would never post: A meme.

#Nofilter or filter? No filter.

Favorite editing/distortion app: Face Juggle.

When did you start taking photos of your hands? 2006. They were the closest thing to me at the time.

Do you think it’s necessary for artists to have Instagram accounts today? I think Instagram is fun.

Weirdest/funniest photo you’ve been tagged in: Anything @beeftipsdiane or @hiphopheadache tags me in.

Greatest hits: Legs with metal grid imprint, pool with a hose running to it from second story window, a Chili’s restaurant sign wrapped in paper, a swan looking like a sock puppet.

Your first Instagram: A gift bag, inside someone’s parked car, that had the words AUNT TINA written on it.

5 favorite accounts to follow: @_youngbaby_, @davidrimanelli, @alisongingeras, @jaysonmusson, and @danielpshea

Social media pet peeve: Everything is fine.

Photos: Alex Da Corte’s Social Eye

Photo courtesy of @alexdacorte.

Photo courtesy of @alexdacorte.

Photo courtesy of @alexdacorte.

Photo courtesy of @alexdacorte.

Photo courtesy of @alexdacorte.

Photo courtesy of @alexdacorte.

Photo courtesy of @alexdacorte.

Photo courtesy of @alexdacorte.

Photo courtesy of @alexdacorte.

Photo courtesy of @alexdacorte.
