What Are Rihanna And Nicki Minaj Trying To Tell Us On Instagram?

The Rihanna Navy and Barbz are astir over new social media posts by their respective queens. At first glance, it would appear that Rihanna and Nicki Minaj both happened to be feeling their looks on the same day, and decided to share their outfits for us mere mortals to marvel at — but their fans are also dedicated detectives, and are investigating the possibility that the two baddies are dropping hints about a potential music collaboration. Here is their evidence.
Rihanna and Minaj are wearing the same shoes. In the photos, they are both wearing the Stretch sandals by Bottega Veneta; Minaj is wearing them in Egg Yolk yellow, while Rihanna is wearing them in Toile, an off-white that complements her halter crocheted dress. The modern shoes feature a squared toe with tie-up laces and a cool leather mesh upper — exactly the kind of shoe that suits both of their risk-taking styles. But why are they both wearing matching shoe models on the same day? It could very well just be that Bottega Veneta is one of the hottest labels on the planet right now. Though, could it also mean we are on the cup of a Rihanna/Minaj collab that will resurrect our pandemic-stricken brains?
They have followed each other on the ‘gram. Lending credence to this theory is the fact Rihanna and Minaj have smashed those follow buttons. If you’re surprised that they weren’t previously following each other, you’re not alone — the fans have no explanation for this apparent oversight, but it seems that Minaj and Rihanna have corrected course and are now mutuals.
Minaj is hinting about releasing new music on Friday. Minaj, in all of her Barbie glory, teased something, writing “Friday.” Is this an indication that she is coming out retirement? New music from Minaj is cause enough for pandemonium, but a possible Rihanna feature would, by default, became the song of the vaccinated summer.
How does Beyoncé figure into all this? Stans are skilled at decoding even the most secretive of clues, and Beyoncé is also the subject of collaboration whispers when she and Minaj wore pieces by experimental designer Charlotte Knowles (no relation to Beyoncé). Several days ago, Beyoncé wore a pink printed leotard with a space-dyed yellow corset, while Minaj is wearing a tiny strapless dress in a similar pattern. If there are tea leaves in the Bottega Veneta shoes, there could also be communicating a message through Knowles’ designs. Though, once again, its also just possible that the brand just happens to be very popular amongst celebs at the moment.
If the rumors hold true, and the three of them are working together, the universe will fold in itself and time will have no meaning — except to allow us to dance in a club in our freshest looks. We would be so lucky to see an RNB project on our lifetimes.