Photos: Rage for the Machine

Umberto Boccioni’s Elasticity, 1912. Photograph courtesy of Museo del Novecento and the Guggenheim Museum.
Futurismo 2, no. 32 with art by Mino Somenzi and Pino Masnata, 1933. Photograph courtesy of Fonds Alberto Satoris, Archives de la Construction Moderne-Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne, and the Guggenheim Museum.
Gerado Dottori’s Cimino Home Dining Room Set, 1930. Photograph courtesy of Daniele Paparelli, Achivi Gerardo Dottori, and the Guggenheim Museum.
Francesco Cangiullo’s Large Crowd in the Piazza del Popolo, 1914. Photograph courtesy of the Guggenheim Museum and the Artist Rights Society.
Umberto Boccioni’s Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, 1913. Photograph courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Guggenheim Museum.
Filippo Masoero’s Descending over Saint Peter, 1930-1933. Photograph courtesy of Touring Club Italiano Archive and the Guggenheim Museum.
Bruno Munari and Torido Mazzotti’s Antipasti Service (6 plates, 1 vase), 1929-1930. Photograph courtesy of The Wolfsonian-Florida International University, The Mitchell Wolfson, Jr. Collection, and the Guggenheim Museum.