Jennifer Lawrence is Terrified by Michelle Pfeiffer in Mother! Clip: “Why Don’t You Want Kids?”
Could Michelle Pfeiffer’s renaissance start with stealing Darren Aronofsky’s mysterious movie from Jennifer Lawrence?

The upcoming Jennifer Lawrence-starring Mother! has been shrouded in secrecy, but Paramount Pictures has just released a 45-second clip of the movie that seems to send shrivers down the spine of Lawrence’s character and may do the same for all millennials. The scene belongs solely to Michelle Pfeiffer (who incidentally is now returning to full-time acting after years of prioritizing raising her own children) and starts with her asking a question that so many young people shudder at: “Why don’t want you want kids?”
We don’t know much about the movie, but we do know that Lawrence stars as a woman who just recently married an older man (played by Javier Bardem) and has nearly completed her interior renovations of the couple’s countryside dream home. When another mysterious couple played by Ed Harris and Pfeiffer show up, all hell breaks loose in ways that aren’t totally clear yet. Director Darren Aronofsky says that the few who have actually seen the psychological horror flick so far can’t even look him in the eyes when it’s over.
The simple clip brings serves up a tantalizing new clue as to what the film could actually be? Is it perhaps a dark parable about the pressures on a woman to procreate? “All I’m trying to do is bring life into this house,” shouts Bardem’s character in the trailer. In one of the posters, Bardem’s character is also holding a tiny globe that has the reflection of an infant trapped in it.
Maybe it’s not a surprise that a film called Mother! would have strong themes of motherhood.
Though, maybe the more intriguing aspect of the clip is how much attention is paid to Pfeiffer. Though few have seen the film, she’s already being talked about as a high contender for a Best Supporting Actress nomination. The narrative is certainly there. She’s a three-time Oscar nominee returning from a hiatus who has never won, and Aronofsky is known for directing actors towards statuettes.
In fact, the director interviewed the actress for Interview magazine earlier this year, and it’s clear he’s a huge fan.
“You have so much talent, but people blow it off with the beauty thing,” he said. “When I was in film school, I had a teacher and probably the only thing that he said that stuck with me was about you. He said, ‘Michelle Pfeiffer—very rare where beauty and that much talent come together.’ It was at that moment that I started to look at your work and became a fan.”
We’ve all been talking about this as a Lawrence-headlined film, but don’t be surprised if Pfeiffer steals the show in the end.
Related: Darren Aronofsky Says Knowing Too Much About Mother! Might Freak You Out
Jennifer Lawrence Reveals Her Cinematic Crush: