Kate Hudson Relies on Probiotics, Celery Juice, and Kimchi for Gut Health

Immunity strength has been at the forefront of most people’s minds over the past year. Heightened use of vitamin C and (safe) appointments with acupuncturists and herbalists in search of the most potent immune-boosting treatments and supplements abound. But let’s not forget that one of the most important steps is maintaining proper gut health with the help of probiotics. Aside from being an excellent mood booster (90 percent of serotonin receptors are in the gut), it’s also a skin aid (acne and eczema reductant). Adding probiotics to your supplement list is an optimal health no-brainer.
Kate Hudson knows the benefits of gut health—and has been touting them for years. Now, the actress is releasing a probiotic supplement of her own from InBloom, her plant-based, vegan, GMO-free wellness brand which launched last year. The Oscar-winning, Kundalini devotee mother of three is no stranger to wellness. “It was important to me to create something attainable and affordable for people, no matter where they are on their wellness journey,” she said. “To me, a probiotic felt like the most organic next step for our line to really round it out as a fully holistic regimen. I’ve been using probiotics as part of my supplement regimen for quite some time now. I’ve learned about the importance of gut health and how an imbalance in gut microbiota can contribute to a whole host of health problems. In addition to helping tip the balance back in favor of the good bacteria in the gut, probiotics help boost our immunity, which is something almost everyone is trying to do these days.”
W connected with the Los Angeles native recently to discuss in detail her newest product extension—as well as her current regimen.
Have you always been health-conscious? At what point in your life did you make an effort to be aware of your health?
I like to think that I’ve always been health-conscious, and just have learned more about what that really means as I’ve gotten older and become a mom. A mantra that I love and constantly try to live by is “What’s on your mind is just as important as what’s on your plate” from Weight Watchers. That’s why I also make internal health a priority—whether that’s finding some alone time or connecting with friends—it’s important to cultivate a positive mindset as it is such a crucial part to staying healthy and happy.
We know there is scientific evidence that probiotics help with regulating our moods. You had a baby two years ago, and it does take some time for hormones to start balancing again. Did probiotics help you in any way in terms of mood and energy?
I think probiotics helped balance my whole body during pregnancy, including my hormones, mood, and vitality—but that’s only part of the story. I also know that using probiotics is really important while you’re breastfeeding. As mothers, we pass along healthy bacteria to our babies. This starts them off on the right track and lessens the likelihood of allergies, colic, and infections. I wanted to be as healthy possible to be able to pass that along to Rani, and probiotics help with that.
How does a typical morning start for you in terms of wellness?
I usually start the day with a celery juice first thing in the morning, followed by either a protein shake with my InBloom clean plant protein, oatmeal, or eggs.
Do you take any additional supplements that you strongly believe in?
I take InBloom Essential Elements every day for overall health. Adding to that, I also switch between the other InBloom supplement powders. I love to mix the Beauty Aura with water on ice and sip on it during the day, and I make an incredible matcha with Energy Shift that gives me energy when I need it. Dream Sleep is also essential! It’s an herbal slumber blend with chamomile and lavender notes that helps your body and mind drift into sleep. Lastly, our clean plant proteins (chocolate and vanilla) are a delicious way to get added protein every day or as needed.
Do you do some sort of exercise routinely in the mornings as well?
I always make it a priority to move every day, if even for a few minutes. One of my favorite things to do is Pilates—it always brings my body back to a sense of equilibrium.
How has Kundalini yoga impacted your life for the better?
Since my first foray into Kundalini yoga years ago, I’ve been hooked. The meditation, breathing, and focus help to bring me calm during my most hectic days. It has also allowed me to trust my body and immediately boosts my mood.
What is your skin routine in the morning and at night?
A typical morning for me is pretty basic when it comes to skincare. I am a big believer in splashing some water on my face when I wake up. In the evening, my go-to cleanser is Tata Harper’s Regenerating Cleanser—it’s so gentle, yet leaves my skin feeling renewed after a long day. I usually follow that with a toner and a really good moisturizer, such as La Mer Crème de la Mer Moisturizer.
If you were going on a trip and could only pack one favorite beauty item, what would that be? (a face tool, a serum or moisturizer? An eyeliner or mascara?) That’s hard! But it would probably be Egyptian Magic All Purpose Skin Cream. It’s just a wonderful, basic all-around sin cream that I’ve used for ages.
How do you deal with stress?
When I’m really stressed, I love to just take a walk and breathe. Any workout is a good tool for dealing with stress, of course, and it can be something as simple as stretching. I also rely on meditation. When things feel tense, I try to put them in perspective, because it’s easy to look at what’s going on in the world and become completely overwhelmed by it all. I think it’s really important for us as humans to be able to “check out,” take a break from the world and realign within ourselves.
Have you had to modify your diet with the pandemic?
I’m definitely having more fun with my cooking since being at home more. We’ve been experimenting and trying lots of new things. Right now, I’m obsessed with kimchi (rich in probiotics!). I always make sure to have some stocked in my fridge. And Weight Watchers has really kept me on track. They have delicious and simple recipes; it helps take the guesswork out of keeping calories in check and eating healthfully.
How do you unwind at the end of the day? How do you let it all go and rest and rebalance?
I like to end each day with my skin care routine, followed by winding down with a meditation whenever possible, then getting all comfy in bed—usually with a good book.
You grew up in the world of Hollywood, although you were also raised in Colorado. You manage to exude confidence, but in a very balanced and humble way. How do you manage to stay so grounded?
My parents were truly instrumental in keeping me and my siblings grounded. They are really hard workers who taught us that luck will only get us but so far—only hard work gets you the rest of the way. And then, there’s nothing like having children yourself to keep you grounded. No matter what you do in the outside world, at home, you’re just mom or dad and all that that entails. I find that putting the needs of others ahead of your own is a great way to find perspective and balance.