Katharina Grosse Paints Over the Rockaways

The German artist is making a splash with Hurricane Sandy recovery, and Instagrammers are tripping out over it.

Katharina Grosse

The Berlin-based installation artist Katharina Grosse has turned everything from uprooted trees to dirt piles into her canvas, and now, as of this weekend, she can add an entire beach house in the Rockaways to that list. Thanks to a crane or two and gallons of spray paint, she’s converted a former aquatics building in the Fort Tilden neighborhood deemed unsafe after the wreckage of Hurricane Sandy into “Rockaway!,” a special outdoor exhibit for MoMA PS1. It’s part of a collaboration with the National Park Service, who will eventually raze the installation once it’s had its run in November. In the meantime, though, PS1 director Klaus Biesenbach has been scrupulously Instagramming the installation process, and now that it’s open to the public, with a ribbon-cutting kick-off on Sunday, other ‘grammers are joining the fray – and taking a ferry called “American Princess.” Get a look without making the schlep, here.

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