Being the Ricardos Trailer Shows Nicole Kidman’s Full Transformation into Lucille Ball

The first full-length trailer of Amazon Studios’ upcoming biopic Being the Ricardos will likely quiet Twitter for good. Though many were unsure of the casting of Nicole Kidman to play the ultimate comedienne, Lucille Ball, it is now clear she’s up for the job.
Released on Wednesday, the trailer gives a more in-depth look of what to expect from this highly-anticipated Aaron Sorkin production, which centers around one week in Ball’s life as she’s working on an episode of I Love Lucy while dealing with allegations that her husband, Desi Arnaz (played by Javier Bardem), has cheated on her and facing a controversy around her alleged communist ties. We see the moment when all of the drama in her real-life finally creeps into the sitcom fantasy, as she freezes in front of a live studio audience. “Sorry, I got lost for a second,” Kidman yells with an intonation that will transport any fan right back to an episode of I Love Lucy.
The movie is a longtime coming, with conversations around the film starting as early as 2015. Then, in 2017, Cate Blanchett was rumored to play the star. When it was announced in January that Kidman would take on Ball, many were not happy, suggesting Debra Messing or someone with more comedic chops instead. That’s when Ball’s daughter, Lucie Arnaz stepped in. “We are not doing a remake of I Love Lucy,” Lucie said in a video posted to Facebook. “No one has to impersonate Lucy Ricardo nor do the Vitameatavegamin routine, or the chocolate factory routine or any of the silly things. It's the story of Lucille Ball, my actual mother, not Lucy Ricardo, and her husband, Dezi Arnaz, my dad, not Ricky Ricardo." Now that the trailer is officially out, that vision seems much more clear.
The trailer also provides a larger look at J.K. Simmons and Nina Arianda as William Frawley and Vivian Vance, as well as Alia Shawkat, Tony Hale, and Jake Lacy in their supporting roles.
Being the Ricardos will open in theaters on December 10 before streaming on Amazon Prime on December 21, providing the perfect timeline to make it an award contender.