Marina Abramovic

For more than three decades, performance artist marina Abramović has been testing the boundaries between performer and audience and the limits of her own body, occasionally risking her life in the process. On the eve of a retrospective at MoMA, she readies herself for what may be her most challenging performance yet. Read an excerpt of the feature HERE.
The Kitchen I—Homage to Saint Therese, 2009, pigment print.
Portrait with Potatoes, 2008
Cleaning the Floor, 2004, chromogenic print.
Entering the Other Side, performed as part of “Seven Easy Pieces” at the Guggenheim Museum, New York, 2005, chromogenic print
Portrait With Scorpion (Open Eyes), 2005, gelatin silver print.
Abramović wearing a gown from the University of Plymouth, from which she received an Honorary Doctorate of the Arts in 2009, and the Austrian Commander’s Cross she received in 2008.