The most flattering red carpet looks last night didn’t steal the spotlight from the women who were wearing them.

The most flattering red carpet looks last night didn’t steal the spotlight from the women who were wearing them.
Swept Back Hair Easy, off-the-face up-dos showed off the gorgeous faces of Naomi Watts, Jennifer Lawrence, and Samantha Barks.
Pale Pink Lips The light touch of color on the lips of Anne Hathaway, Kerry Washington, and Amy Adams added fullness to their pouts without drawing attention away from their natural assets.
Spring Smokey Eyes Amanda Seyfried’s lavender smoky shadow brought out her beautiful baby blues without looking like she had just rolled out of a late night-party.
Shorn Locks There’s a reason Charlize Theron stole the night. Her close-cut crop revealed her perfect shoulders, cheekbones, skin tone, nose… OK, her perfect everything.
Photos: Fairchild Archive