Diane Kruger Discusses Having Aspergers on The Bridge, Wearing Jason Wu In The Rain

The Young Friends of ACRIA inaugural summer soiree took an unexpected damp twist on Thursday night, thanks to a torrential rainstorm. But with Jason Wu as its host—the designer created a limited edition T-shirt with the artist Nate Lowman, with proceeds benefitting the AIDS research charity—and a runway’s worth of models in his dresses, it was easy to forget the monsoon outside. Cocktails began on the 14th floor of the Glass Houses in Chelsea, aptly named for their sweeping views of the skyline and Hudson. Among those who headed up to the 21st floor for a candlelit dinner prepared by renowned chef Michael White was actress Diane Kruger, who was in town for a quick weekend break from work on her new FX television series The Bridge. Here, the German beauty discusses dressing for the weather and learning to embody Aspergers on TV.
How did you decide what to wear tonight?
Jason Wu made it for me, I had no choice. I feel very ballerina.
Did the inclement weather give you any pause?
Well, I just arrived this morning from LA where I’ve been working so I was like, Really New York? Thanks a lot! I didn’t try this on until today, so I had no idea what it was going to look like.
Jason Wu, center, with Tati Cotliar, Maddison Brow, Giovanna Battaglia, Daria Stroukous, Elizabeth Gilpin, Marsha Hunt, Jacquelyn Jablonski, Michelle Harper, Harley Viera-Newton, Liu Wen, Ji Hye Park and Hanne Gaby Odiele.
What’s your survival strategy for going out in this weather?
You tell me! I have no clue. I brought nothing but cutoffs and T-shirts. I need to do some shopping tomorrow.
Are you shooting The Bridge in LA?
Yes, it premieres July 10th. But soon they’ll have billboards.
So if you’d come here a week later you’d be staring at yourself right now out these windows.
Liu Wen, Tati Cotliar, Meghan Collison, Maddison Brown.
How far into the shoot are you?
We’re on episode 8. It’s only 13 episodes. It’s like a movie. But it’s not your typical cop show. I have Aspergers, so it’s a lot about [my character, Detective Sonya Cross].
How did you prepare for that?
A lot of research. And we have a young man with Aspergers who is on set every day and he helps me. Because it’s a way of life, it’s not something you can just put on.
Especially because you’re so socially adept.
I’m actually not. I can when I have to be, but I’m really uncomfortable with people. But Aspergers is so much more than that. It’s not just not being able to talk to people. It’s certain situations that overwhelm them because they have a delay in their function. Everything is very literal.
I’m sure you’re happy to drop it for one night.
Yes, for sure.