Donald Trump’s Claim That He’s A Stable Genius Has Twitter in an Uproar

And a stable one, at that.

President Donald Trump
Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Image

In case you are somehow, blessedly, unaware, our Commander-In-Chief Donald Trump went on one of his many Twitter rants this morning, January 6, to explain why he’s so…smart and sane. No, really. He compared those doubting his mental fitness to those who doubted Ronald Reagan’s (um, even though Reagan did eventually publicly disclose his battle with Alzheimer in 1994) and calling himself, “like, really smart.” Trump concluded the three-tweet statement with, ” I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star…..”…”….to President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius….and a very stable genius at that!”

Apparently, however, the fact that he had previously run for President slipped the very mentally stable man’s mind. He mounted a campaign to capture the Reform Party nomination in 2000 and was a candidate in the California primary but ultimately dropped out. He also publicly flirted with running as a Republican in 2012 to the point where briefly lead polls.

Naturally, Twitter being Twitter, celebrities and comedians started roasting the president’s self-appointed genius status.

Mindy Kaling compared Trump to her The Office character, Kelly Kapoor, noted airhead:

Anthony Bourdain said what many of us were thinking:

As did Judd Apatow:

Michael Ian Black compared Trump to Vincent Van Gogh, which is perhaps a little unfair to Van Gogh, whose main victim was himself:

Some decided to go the pun route and insert Trump into a horse’s stable:


Here are more of our favorite #stablegenius takes for your pleasure/to numb your pain:

And finally, not that there’s really any use in comparing Donald Trump to Barack Obama, but here’s how a former Obama speech writer thinks his old boss would have handled a similar situation: by eating part of a bag of almonds.

And it does seem like he was, like, watching, like, Fox this morning? It’s like, a really popular channel.

Can we just agree that the president doth protest too much? The more you claim you aren’t something, the more likely it is you are, and vice versa, as eloquently demonstrated by this anecdote about a girl who definitely wasn’t drunk, no, not drunk at all:

Related: Apparently, Ivanka Trump Plans on Being the First Female President

How Artists Today Are Mocking Donald Trump

Peter Saul, Quack-Quack, Trump, 2017.

Mary Boone Gallery

Peter Saul, Donald Trump in Florida, 2017.

Mary Boone Gallery

Jim Shaw, Trump Distortion #4, 2017.

Metro Pictures

Jim Shaw, Trump Distortion #1, 2017.

Metro Pictures

Jim Shaw, Trump Distortion #2, 2017.

Metro Pictures

Jim Shaw, Trump Distortion #3, 2017.

Metro Pictures

Jim Shaw, Small Trump Chaos I, 2017.

Metro Pictures

Jim Shaw, Large Trump Chaos I, 2017.

Metro Pictures

Nina Chanel Abney, COP, 2017.

Mary Boone Gallery and Jack Shainman

Nina Chanel Abney, White River Fish Kill, 2017.

Mary Boone Gallery and Jack Shainman

Mathieu Malouf, Donald, 2017.

Greene Naftali, New York. Courtesy the artist and Greene Naftali, New York

Mathieu Malouf, installation view of “Toxic Masculinity Fallout Shelter,” 2017.

Greene Naftali, New York. Courtesy the artist and Greene Naftali, New York. Photo by Martha Fleming-Ives

Mathieu Malouf, installation view of “Toxic Masculinity Fallout Shelter,” 2017.

Greene Naftali, New York. Courtesy the artist and Greene Naftali, New York. Photo by Martha Fleming-Ives