Don’t Miss: Dubstep Dinos
Digital artists Reed + Rader present their first solo show in London, "Dubstep Dinos," through November 20.

Fashion has, of late, been obsessed with the digital: digital prints on the runway, digital content and live streams from fashion shows, and of course, e-commerce. Perhaps the most original creators of fashion in the digital realm are Brooklyn-based Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, who have made a name for themselves with their gif art and fashion editorials for a range of publications, including W.
Dubstep Dinosaurs from Pamela Reed + Matthew Rader on Vimeo.
Reed + Rader, as the duo goes by, has staged their first solo exhibit in London, “Cretaceous Returns,” at 18 Hewlett Street. The show, as its name implies, takes the audience back to the cretaceous period with works that depict cavewomen walking and feeding two-dimensional dinosaurs. A video piece, Dubstep Dinos, features a scrolling video of, you guessed it, “dinosaurs” rocking out to dubstep.
Much like the dinosaurs themselves, the exhibit has an expiration date (November 20th), so check it out before then.