My Potent Potables
I’ve always been a little afraid of kombucha’s tingly, sour fermentation. But when W’s Katie Becker put a bottle of her favorite Health-Ade Pomegranate Kombucha ($5, on my desk, I dared myself to take a sip. The verdict: love. The bubbly concoction helped me kick my addiction to sugary lemonade, and I swear it has improved both my skin and my sleep. It’s not the only health elixir I’ve been downing. On a recent trip to Los Angeles, I met Four Sigma Foods cofounder Tero Isokauppila, who turned me on to his SuperFood Mushroom Drinks, which are made from six types of medicinal fungus and can be stirred into any beverage. I’ve been adding the anti-inflammatory Chaga ($35 for 20 sachets, into my morning latte to help my tennis elbow and sipping Xoco Blue ($20 for 10 sachets), a ’shroomy hot drink with cocoa and reishi, an antistress fungus. It must be working: I’ve stopped worrying about spending $100 a week on kombucha.