Nicole Kidman Shares Video Proof That She Can Sing After a Duet With Her Husband, Keith Urban

Nicole Kidman can sing, and dare you doubt her abilities, she has shared a video that flaunts her talent. To celebrate International Day of the Girl, a holiday that raises awareness for and celebrates empowering young women, Kidman shared a clip of her mid-duet with her husband, country music star Keith Urban. The pair chose Urban’s song “Female” for the occasion—which Kidman sings backup on in the recorded version.
Outside of the controversial song—which sparked backlash upon its release due to its simplistic and sexist descriptions of women as things like “Sister, shoulder, daughter, lover…secret keeper, fortune teller, Virgin Mary, scarlet letter”—Kidman herself sounds great. She even throws up a heart at the end as she sings the song’s title. “To honor International #DayoftheGirl – filmed by Sunday and Faith!!!,” Kidman wrote in the description of the video she posted to her Instagram, referencing the pair’s children, 10-year-old Sunday Rose and 7-year-old Faith.
When the song was first released last fall, many speculated that it was in reference to Harvey Weinstein, specifically the lines about sexual misconduct and how women are often slut-shamed when they’re survivors of it. “When somebody laughs and implies that she asked for it/ Just cause she was wearing a skirt/ Now is that how it works?,” Urban sings on the song. Later that month, though, one of the songwriters behind it, Shane McAnally, dismissed that Weinstein was the inspiration. “We were talking about Harvey Weinstein, that was in the news, but that led to a much greater conversation. He had nothing to do with the story,” McAnally told The Washington Post. The trio didn’t write the song with a particular artist in mind but were thrilled when Urban was interested—and wondered if it might make more of an impact for a male artist singing about women’s equality.
Urban didn’t address the backlash when he spoke about the decision to have Kidman and the other songwriter, Nicolle Galyon, sing on it. “I thought it was nice and very personal to blend these girls into the song because it just felt very, very right, and that’s what the song means to me,” he told The Associated Press. “I heard the song more as a, almost like a soul gospel, spiritual mantra,” Urban describes. “Particularly the chorus of the song is absolutely pure celebration of female. It’s beautiful.” And if there is one saving grace for a song, it’s Nicole Kidman.