Prince Harry Has Reportedly Been “Really Grumpy” and No One Knows Why

It’s the most wonderful time of year—except for Prince Harry, that is. The newlywed royal has apparently been “really grumpy” lately, and “no one can quite put their finger on it,” according to a “well-connected” anonymous source quoted in People magazine this week.
“Something has changed,” the source told the magazine. “He looks cross with the world.”
There are all sorts of reasons Prince Harry could be a bit sour right now. Maybe it’s seasonal depression exacerbated by a forecast in the mid-50s with looming rain clouds. Perhaps it’s another royal—Lady Gabriella Windsor, daughter of Princess “Racist Brooch” Michael of Kent—copping Harry’s recent wedding to Meghan Markle, right down to the Frogmore reception, for her upcoming wedding. It could be British and American tabloids alike doubling down on any whiff of drama out of Kensington Palace, or, as People hypothesized, the rumored rift opening up between Harry and his elder brother, Prince William.
“Harry doesn’t have his own structure like William,” the source went on, explaining that William’s trajectory to the throne is “clear-cut and defined,” while Harry’s is… less so. “Harry doesn’t want to be the Margaret of the family.” Though Queen Elizabeth II’s younger sister’s professional role was ill-defined, she still managed to have among the most dramatic stories of any royal of her time—one that, if tabloids existed back then as they do today, would undoubtedly have been even more of a sensation. So Harry probably doesn’t want to emulate his great-aunt on multiple levels.
Of course, in the annals of grumpy royals, Prince Harry’s recent doom and gloom probably barely registers. Has he got a pout like Prince George? Didn’t think so. Is he refusing to be buried next to his wife because he’s sour he was never made king, like Prince Henrik of Denmark? Again, probably not. Everything’s fine.