Sarah Silverman Slid Into Ivanka Trump’s DMs to Tell Her To Get It Together on Women’s Rights

When Sarah Silverman realized Ivanka Trump followed her on Twitter, she decided to slide into her DMs.

by Kyle Munzenrieder


Sarah Silverman and Ivanka Trump don’t have a lot in common, least of all politically. Silverman was an avid Bernie Sanders supporter throughout the Democratic primary, and then became a prominent celebrity voice on the need for the Vermont Senator’s fans to rally around Hillary Clinton in the primary. Ivanka Trump, of course, has stood by her father (despite having once been a registered Democrat herself).

As it turns out, however, Trump surprisingly counts Silverman amongst the 885 people she follows in Twitter, and she’s been doing so for a long time. Indeed, she’s been following Silverman longer than she’s followed her own brother, father, Democratic Senator Cory Booker, or Oprah.

When Silverman recently realized that, she decided to slide into the first daughter’s DMs to tell her to get it together. The revelation came from a preview of an episode of Chelsea Handler’s Netflix show in which the two feminist-minded comedians sit down with Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards.

“I actually saw that she follows me on Twitter and I direct-messaged her and I was like, ‘This is your chance. You’re writing your life story here,'” Silverman said, apparently in hopes of getting Ivanka Trump to exert some of that seemingly mythical “moderating influence” on her father.

The revelation came during a discussion of Trump and congressional Republicans’ plan to withhold all federal funds from Planned Parenthood, despite the fact that none of those federal funds go to abortion services and are instead used for other women’s health services.

“This whole de-funding of Planned Parenthood that’s in this bill before the United States Senate would block access for everything else we do,” said Richards.

Richards also said that she’s talked to Trump one-on-one, but seemingly to no avail.

“I talked to her and told her what we do. I explained in detail,” she said. “But, so far, the White House has been a total zero on women and women’s health … I think Ivanka’s job now is that she’s in charge of all women’s issues. This would be time to kind of step up.”

“My friends are like, ‘She has no control; she’s just another puppet…circling around [Donald Trump].’ Do you think she has any influence at all?” asked Handler.

Trump is now an official White House employee and serves as an “assistant” to her father, while her husband, Jared Kushner, serves as senior advisor.

Both were previously registered Democrats (indeed, Kushner’s father is a longtime Democratic fundraiser), and the theory goes that they were supposed to have some sort of moderating influence on the Trump administration, at least on social issues. (Which shouldn’t be so hard, considering Donald Trump himself was once publicly pro-choice.)

Yet, it’s been hard to detect any evidence of any successful moderation on either’s part so far.

Back in a CBS News interview in April, Ivanka said that she did disagree with her father on many things, but did so privately.

“Where I disagree with my father, he knows it and I express myself with total candor,” she said. “Where I agree, I fully lean in and support the agenda and hope that I can be an asset to him and make a positive impact.”

“I think there are multiple ways to have your voice heard,” she also said. “In some cases, it’s through protest and it’s through going on the nightly news and talking about or denouncing every issue in which you disagree with. Other times it is quietly and directly and candidly.”

Of course, Silverman “quietly and directly and candidly” tried to make her voice heard when she took advantage of the pair’s Twitter connection, but that didn’t work. Guess it’s back to protesting and denouncing on television.

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