Give Back: Susan Rockefeller Jewels
Inspired by her short film, Mission of Mermaids, a “love letter to the ocean” and call to action to protect the world’s waters, Susan Rockefeller launched her debut charitable jewelry collection this summer.

Inspired by her short film, Mission of Mermaids, a “love letter to the ocean” and call to action to protect the world’s waters, Susan Rockefeller launched her debut charitable jewelry collection this summer—the latest addition to a resume that already includes documentary filmmaker, author, and philanthropist. “Every day, I try to make decisions that protect Mother Earth,” she writes. “From food and clothing purchases to work choices.” So naturally, all proceeds from her nautical-themed line of silver and gold jewelry (think mermaids, whales, and shells) go to Oceana, the largest international organization focused on ocean conservation. It’s the perfect line to wear to the shores you’re helping to protect.