Who Is Sarah Snyder?

Sarah Snyder, who is best known as @SarahFuckingSnyder on Instagram by her one million followers, made headlines first for allegedly shoplifting a $15,995 Hermès bag, and second as Jaden Pinkett Smith’s girlfriend. Now, she’s taken her Insta-fame and leveraged it towards a successful career for herself in the fashion industry. The young model was spotted at Calvin Klein Fall 2016, Dolce & Gabbana in Milan, and now as the face of Hugo Boss. Yet somehow, despite this selfie-queen’s rising fame, Snyder still manages to maintain a level of mystery. Here’s what we know.
Last time we checked, Sarah was dating Jaden Pinkett Smith, and the two have been spotted locking lips front row at Fashion Week on multiple occasions.
Photo courtesy of @SarahFuckingSnyder.
They’re basically inseparable.
Photo courtesy of @SarahFuckingSnyder.
Her ex-BFF and former roommate is Eileen Kelly, another Insta-star known as @KillerAndaSweetThang.
Photo courtesy of @SarahFuckingSnyder.
Her hair color has gone from platinum blonde…
Photo courtesy of @SarahFuckingSnyder.
To blue…
Photo courtesy of @SarahFuckingSnyder.
To black.
Photo courtesy of @SarahFuckingSnyder.
…And recently to red.
Photo courtesy of @SarahFuckingSnyder.
She’s the reigning bathroom selfie champion.
Photo courtesy of @SarahFuckingSnyder.
And can almost always be seen in Gucci, a graphic t-shirt, Supreme hoodie, and designer sneakers.
Photo courtesy of @SarahFuckingSnyder.
And although she started as an Instagram star, she’s now a serious fashion model signed to Request. Recently, she sat front row at Dolce & Gabbana‘s Milan fashion show (sans Jaden!) and is also the face of Hugo Boss.