Abbi Jacobson Gets Her Matisse Fix with Ilana Glazer

As if dreaming up “Broad City,” hanging with Hillary and Ilana, and gearing up for a new Netflix series weren’t enough, the actress-producer Abbi Jacobson is also an accomplished art school grad with two adult coloring books under her belt. Next week, she’s putting out a third title, which covers the only pastime Jacobson seems to have time for: wondering what’s inside your bag. “Carry This Book” features her illustrated imaginings of what traveling with the likes of Beyoncé, Oprah, Donald Trump, and Martha Stewart (the latter of whom, in Jacobson’s world, carries a handmade fanny pack) is like. Get a peek inside Jacobson’s own agenda with her culture diet, here.
First thing you read in the morning: My emails.
Books on your bedside table right now: You Can’t Touch My Hair by Phoebe Robinson, A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara, and Meaty: Essays by Samantha Irby.
The TV shows keeping you up at night: I love “High Maintenance”, and I find “The Great British Bake Off” to be the most comforting show on TV. And I loved “Fleabag.”
Last movie you saw in theaters: Other People, written and directed by my good friend, Chris Kelly.
Last thing you saw at the theater: “The Crucible.”
Last piece of art you bought, or ogled: I’m really into this painter Jules De Balincourt. There’s a lot I’m in love with, but one painting, “Crooked Cities,” that I am sort of obsessed with.
Artists/illustrators catching your eye: Jonas Wood is someone I’m always into, as are Maira Kalman and Mike Perry (who does all the Broad City opens and illustrations).
Crayons or colored pencils: Colored pencils.
Last museum exhibition that you loved: I haven’t been able to go to many museums in quite a bit. I think the last one I remember was “Henri Matisse: The Cut-Outs” at MoMA. Ilana and I went together.
Release you’re most eagerly anticipating: I’m honestly so off the radar right now… I consume ‘em as they come.
Best recent discovery in New York: Not so recent, but I love the Kith women’s store — it’s fairly new. I also love the McNally Jackson shops around the corner from the bookstore. There’s a print shop and a paper/pen/office shop that both carry beautiful products.
Favorite podcasts: I love “Dear Sugar” and “2 Dope Queens.”
Last song you had on repeat: Rihanna‘s “Love on the Brain” and The National’s “Fake Empire.”
Last concert you saw live: Beyoncé!
How you get your news: The New York Times usually, or NPR.
Favorite social media accounts to follow: Mostly just my friends, but I like following artists, small fashion designers, and chefs a lot lately.
Last thing you do before you go to bed: Unfortunately it usually involves my phone or some terrible blue light from a screen.