Cher, Master of Shade, May or May Not Be Feuding With Madonna Again
Cher’s shady comment on The Ellen DeGeneres Show has some people thinking she’s reigniting a six-year-old feud with Madonna.

Internet folklore has it that Cher and Madonna have not been on good terms ever since one of Cher’s infamously viral tweets from 2012, where she asked her followers, “Wtf is mdna.” The tweet appeared seemingly apropos of nothing; except for the fact that Madonna’s album, titled MDNA, had just been released earlier that year. So when Cher made a pointed comment during a recent appearance on daytime television, fans thought she might be reigniting a six-year-old feud.
During an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in September, the Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again scene-stealer was asked to play a game called “Five Second Rule” with the host. In this particular bit, the guest must respond to questions in under five seconds. After Cher was asked to name three singers she would like to collaborate with she quickly responded, “Oh, Adele, P!nk, and uh…um…not Madonna,” with a smirk, to which Ellen DeGeneres appeared shocked but amused, according to video provided by the Daily Mail.
For the record, though, Cher claims she’s never actually felt any hate or ill will toward Madonna. In 2013, she participated in a Reddit AMA, where one Reddit user posed the question, “Do you still hate madonna?” to which Cher replied, “Madge, no. Actually I don’t. I never hated her, I just thought she was a bitch. Actually I quite respect her.”
Cher even went so far as to compliment Madonna for her innovation as a pop artist in the same response to that Redditor who asked about her ongoing feud. “Actually I think Madge might be one of the most amazing artists I’ve known,” Cher wrote. “I don’t like everything she does, for sure, but she is always riding the crest of the wave. She always saw trends WAY before anyone else, and had great videos,” she went on. “So, besides saying ‘WTF if MDNA’, I’m fine with it,” she added, in reference to her 2012 tweet.
Cher’s latest remark about Madonna was delightfully shady, but in January 2018, the two were spotted together at the Women’s March in Washington, D.C., so it’s safe to say any fabricated hatchets between the two pop divas have been buried by now.
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