December Release: Demi Moore
Demi Moore on being labeled a "Cougar" and the Power of Twitter, Ex-Gucci Creative Director Tom Ford's Directorial Debut, A Single Man and English Interior Designer Nicky Haslam Dishes on Famous Friends and Lovers

Highlights from the December issue of W magazine are below:
ON BEING LABELED A “COUGAR” FOR HER RELATIONSHIP WITH 31-YEAR-OLD ACTOR, ASHTON KUTCHER…“I’m certainly not the first person to be in a relationship with a younger man, but somehow I was plucked out as a bit of a poster girl. I don’t know why that is. But I just kind of step back sometimes and say, ‘There is some reason, and what is it that I have to share in a positive way?…I’d prefer to be called a Puma.”
ON HOW TWITTER IS TRANSFORMING HER IMAGE…“People are much more interested in what I have to say directly, and that really changed the whole dynamic I have with fans…I can’t impress enough the difference in how people are perceiving me. They’re getting to see who I am.”
ON HOW AGE IS STIFLING HER CAREER…“The frustrating part is that the type of roles I’d be interested in are not really coming to me. I hate to say it’s a function of my age [47]—but yes, I think in some ways it is. The majority of [female] roles are geared between 25 and 35.”
When, in the midst of his contentious departure from Gucci Group, five years ago, Tom Ford revealed nonspecific plans to become a filmmaker, skepticism ran rampant. However, deifying the nay-sayers, his directorial debut, A Single Man – a poignant, stunningly realized tale of loss and longing starring Colin Firth and Julianne Moore – is already garnering raves on the festival circuit. – Bridget Foley, Executive Editor
ON THE SIMILARITIES BETWEEN HIMSELF AND THE FILM’S CHARACTER GEORGE…“George, who is very much my own character grafted onto the character, obsessively puts himself together because that is the way he holds himself together. His inner world and his outer world are connected, and the only thing holding them together is the polishing of his shoes, the scrubbing of his fingernails, the perfect white shirt. If he let go of that, he would collapse. There is an enormous part of myself that is like that.”
ON HIS DARK SIDE…“I have a very dark side, a side that has struggled a lot with depression, and I’ve never been one who showed that to the outside world. I think when you say to someone, ‘Good morning. How are you?’ they should say, ‘Great, terrific,’ because everyone struggles in life. The Yves Saint Laurent thing used to drive me nuts—his depressions, his alcoholism, his whatever. Most people have a lot of problems. You can define yourself by them, or you can realize that everyone is going through what you’re going through and you make the best of it and you get on with your life and you don’t necessarily inflict that, because others probably have that too. They’re just not inflicting it on you.”
In his dishy new memoir, Redeeming Features, celebrated English interior decorator and social titan Nicky Haslam spills the beans about his famous friends – and lovers. – James Reginato, Features Director
ON BEING CALLED “THE STAR-F—ER TO END ALL STAR-F—ERS”…“I’m absolutely not a star-f—er. I could care less if it’s Mick Jagger or a man on the street. I just like interesting people, and I happen to know a lot of stars. But if you want to know the truth, most stars f— me.”
Please credit the December issue of W for the above. For additional information or to schedule an interview with a W editor, please contact Engelman & Co. at 212.645.9222. Thank you.