Lena Dunham and Emily Ratajkowski Teamed Up for a Sexy Swimwear Shoot

Lena Dunham took to Instagram on Wednesday to share some shots from a recent photo shoot that she starred in for Emily Ratajkowski‘s swimwear line, Inamorata Swim. And while we’re used to seeing Ratajkowski as the one posing for the camera in a bathing suit, this time she got behind the lens and played art director. Clearly, she knew what she was doing.
“That time @emrata made me a full [oiled-up] swimsuit issue chick for @inamorataswim,” Dunham captioned a carousel of pictures on her Instagram feed. “I’ve loved Emily forever because she’s wise, kind, gets how complex feminism and femininity are, and gives the perfect amount of fucks. Honored to get behind her [camera].”
In the photos, Dunham is seen wearing an oversize hat, a strapless leopard one-piece, and a pair of mod-inspired circular earrings. The brand referred to Dunham as “one of our muses” in an Instagram post, and given the serious face and attitude she’s serving up throughout the shoot, it’s easy to see why.
The stunning series of pictures wasn’t the only thing to come out of the Dunham-Ratajkowski photo shoot. In her Instagram Story, the Girls star also revealed that Ratajkowski taught her the meaning of the phrase “thighbrow” (the crease where your thigh meets your hip) during their time together, and points out that her own is on full display.
The two actresses have both been outspoken advocates for feminism and body love. In 2016, Ratajkowski wrote a powerful essay for Dunham’s Lenny Letter broaching both topics. “To me, ‘sexy’ is a kind of beauty, a kind of self-expression, one that is to be celebrated, one that is wonderfully female,” she wrote, echoing the sentiments in Dunham’s Instagram post. “…Even if being sexualized by society’s gaze is demeaning, there must be a space where women can still be sexual when they choose to be.”