Meet Lizzy Jagger, the Redhead with the Rolling Stone Lineage

Mick’s oldest daughter walked her first fashion show when she was five with mom Jerry Hall, but she’s since made a modeling career of her own thanks to those fiery red locks.

by Emilia Petrarca

Lizzy Jagger

Elizabeth Scarlett Jagger has great genes, and she knows it. The oldest daughter of Rolling Stone Mick Jagger and model Jerry Hall, “Lizzie,” as she’s known to friends, admitted that she got lucky with her dad’s age-defying hair and her mom’s buxom lips. Though the 32-year-old walked her first fashion show at 5 – for Chanel no less – that was thanks to Hall, but she’s since made a career of her own, booking campaigns for Sonia Rykiel and runway for Tommy Hilfiger and Vivienne Westwood. And on Wednesday, Redken named her as its latest muse for her fiery, Melisandre-like red mane and provocative strut, something she likely picked up from dad’s side of the family.

Your look in three words: For my look at the moment, I’m feeling pre-Raphaelite with the red hair. I’ve also been doing a lot of metallic silver eyeshadow this week. I was going for warrior goddess — that’s my makeup look. So I guess pre-Raphaelite warrior goddess!

Who are you inspired by? I’ve always been really inspired for makeup, hair, and style by my mom. I got to see the evolution of her look when I was growing up and visiting her on modeling jobs.

Do you have any specific memories of your mom working? My first fashion shows was very memorable: I did a Chanel show with my mom when I was five. I got fixed up like the grown-ups, it was really fun. I did a little ballet at the beginning of the show.

Has your mom given you any beauty advice or modeling advice? Yeah, lots. She gives great advice. I was really lucky because in addition to giving great advice, she was also a great teacher. Her number one thing for modeling is to always work with the light. I think we forget that a lot with digital photography.

What about your dad? For a guy, he takes pretty good care of his skin. He’s just got really good genes. He doesn’t do much with his hair. He’s lucky because it’s not falling out or going grey. He’s got miracle hair. Even though I take really good care of my hair, I’m really lucky that both of my parents have great hair, which I’ve inherited. I do get a lot of inspiration from his makeup looks from the seventies, which he doesn’t really go for anymore. He’s a bit more reserved with his makeup looks on stage these days.

I recently wrote about his Instagram account. What do you think about him joining social media? Do you give him any tips? I’m a little bit of a social media old-fashion lame-o and I have flaked out on social media for a few months. So I’m just catching up on it now and seeing a lot of his photos. But when he started doing it, we have a dog in the Caribbean who practices singing with him. We were sitting around and he basically started singing along with my dad. That’s my favorite post he’s ever done on Instagram.

What makes you feel confident? Good skin and good hair. A good clear complexion and frizz-free, smooth, sleek hair makes me feel confident. Like more confident than a pair of heels would make me feel.

Is your hair naturally curly or straight? Naturally curly.

Which style do you prefer? I’ve been experimenting lately. I really love straightening my hair when it’s red because you can see all the color going on in it. Since dying my hair red a couple of years ago, I’ve been having a lot more fun with it.

Does curly hair make you feel a different way? Definitely. I feel more fun and vivacious with curly hair and when I straighten my hair I feel like I can take myself a little more seriously. I feel a little librarian.

What’s your skincare routine? I like to use natural products. In the morning I like to use lighter makeup bases, like serums and do rosewater spritzing. And at night I like to use heavier oils because I live in Los Angeles and it’s an arid, desert climate. When you’re traveling as well, it’s good to use oils every once in a while.

Do you use coconut oil? I use coconut oil on my body and on my face I like to use a mixture of different brands and oils. On my hair I like to use macadamia nut, avocado, and sesame oils. And Diamond Oil by Redken — anything that’s 100-percent oil. I like to mix together the natural oils for a leave-in treatment at home, as well as doing the treatments at the salon. I don’t use coconut oil on my hair because it can breakdown hair with the acids that are in it. It’s not the best hair oil. I only found that out recently!

Do you have an exercise regime? I do pilates and I’m a swimmer as well. I actually use a UniFin for swimming and I recently got an addition to the UniFin, which makes you swim really, really fast. It’s like swimming like a mermaid. I trick kids into thinking that the Little Mermaid really exists! [Laughs] It’s really fun. There are lots of opportunities in Los Angeles, but in London I didn’t really get a chance to bring out the mermaid tail. Venice Beach is great for mermaid swimming and the surfers don’t mind it.

What’s your ritual in the bathtub? I love taking very, very long baths. It goes along with the mermaid thing. [Laughs] Like, I’ll watch a movie in the bath on my laptop. I use candles and salts and I’ll even put seaweed in there.

Any beauty treatment that you’ve totally regretted? Anytime I’ve dyed my own hair in the past, I’ve pretty much always regretted it. It hasn’t been a total disaster, but if I had just gone to the salon it would have been better. When I was thirteen I had bleach blonde hair and accidentally put black henna in it and it turned green. It sent me on a journey to go back to my natural color, which took years. Only 15 years later was I brave enough to change hair color, and I’m so glad I did. I really like being a redhead.

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Photos: Meet Lizzy Jagger, the Redhead with the Rolling Stone Lineage

Lizzy Jagger. Photo courtesy Redken.

Lizzy Jagger. Photo courtesy Redken.

Lizzy Jagger. Photo courtesy Redken.

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