Mariah Carey Would Never Cancel a Holiday, Not Even Thanksgiving
Mariah Carey has the power to declare the end of a meme, but the festive pop star wouldn’t cancel a holiday. She just wants you to know about her upcoming memoir chapters.

If Mariah Carey declares that something is “over,” then it really is over. She does have that power when it comes to memes and trends on the Internet. But who would believe that Carey, arguably the most festive pop star on the planet, would attempt to cancel a national holiday with just one declarative tweet?
Some speculated that Carey was hacked, while others praised her for being an “anti colonial queen,” but the musician will have you know that because she (at the time, seemingly randomly) tweeted “THANKSGIVING IS CANCELLED” yesterday does not mean she has a personal vendetta against Thanksgiving or any plans to put Turkey day to rest this year.
On the contrary, Thanksgiving is a holiday, and real Lambs know that in Carey’s world, that means it is an event worthy of celebrating. After all, it really is just a preamble to Christmas, the holiday that really gets the musician excited. And it takes place right after Halloween, which Carey has been known to go all out for in the past.
The musician has an explanation for the tweet: she was just giving us a taste of the chapter titles in her upcoming memoir, The Meaning of Mariah Carey, which will be released (along with an audiobook recorded by the singer) on September 29.
That would also explain why the Thanksgiving tweet was followed by increasingly absurd non sequiturs, like “THERE CAN BE MIRACLES” (which is likely a reference to the duet she performed with Whitney Houston, “When You Believe,” and the feud that persisted between the two for years), “CALAMITY AND DOG HAIR,” “RESTING IN PIECES,” and “ONE SUMMER NIGHT, WE RAN AWAY FOR A WHILE…”
And, as always with Carey, there is certainly more to the story. You’ll just have to wait until her memoir is released to find out the rest.
Related: Mariah Carey Finally Explains That Jennifer Lopez ‘I Don’t Know Her’ Meme