Nicole Hanley Mellon Likes Going Barefoot, Bagless

Nicole Hanley Mellon may have only launched her eponymous brand last September, but she’s already expanding: This year, she plans to open her first boutique in New York. Here, the fashion designer shares her other favorite stores, recent discoveries, and style icons.
Define your style in three words: Easy, but sophisticated (my mother gave me that word).
Greatest hits: This summer, my favorite pieces have been our knit dresses—in white, gold, and black.
Nighttime look: Generally, I just throw on heels with whatever I’m wearing that day.
Preferred footwear: No footwear, when possible—at home, on a beach, or somewhere I can be completely comfortable. It is a luxury that reminds me of being a child.
Best recent discovery: A wonderful rediscovery has been the library. I forgot how much I love the smell of books and the endless shelves of content. Also, a recent beauty discovery is TA-65… My husband says we’ll live to 300 taking this vitamin. While I’m not sure that I am interested in 300 years, I am hooked!
Favorite stores: Cartier! Dior! Hermes! Also, The Strand Bookstore, 1st Dibs, and Bonpoint (for the children).
Style pet peeve: Ill-fitting clothes.
Style icons: I tend to admire the style of those individuals who are living their life fully and happen as well to look good doing it! I generally love the way Natalia Vodianova dresses, same for Camille Miceli and Kate Moss.
Last purchase: A skim latte and chocolate croissant from Tates in Southampton.
Last big purchase: Something (totally out of my budget) from the Dior Resort 2016 collection.
Lusting after: I am desperate to return to the places I have already traveled to this year for Hanley Mellon, like Loita, Kenya.
Favorite haunts: In NYC you can find me sitting outside at Saint Ambroeus on 61st Street very early in the morning; at the Pierre Two E bar on Tuesday nights; at the Frick Library, researching; at the Met, wandering, and now also with my children.
What’s always in your bag: I prefer a pocket when possible—and better yet with nothing in it, but my hands (and maybe my phone).
Photos: Nicole Hanley Mellon Likes Going Barefoot, Bagless
Nicole Hanley Mellon at home. Photo courtesy of the designer.
Nicole Hanley Mellon in summer knits. Photo courtesy of the designer.
Nicole Hanley Mellon’s kids at the MET. Photo courtesy of the designer.
Nicole Hanley Mellon. Photo courtesy of the designer.
In Kenya. Photo courtesy of the designer.