Kourtney Kardashian Is Now Working With Stephanie Shepherd on Poosh

This time she’ll be working for Kourtney.

by Marissa G. Muller


In a move that confirms there is no love lost between the Kardashians and Kim Kardashian West’s former assistant Stephanie Shepherd, Kourtney Kardashian is bringing Shepherd back into the family business. This time, she will be working directly for the oldest of the sisters on her recently launched Goop competitor, Poosh.

The assistant turned influencer confirmed her new role as a columnist for Poosh on (where else?) Instagram. She posted a screenshot of her first story for the lifestyle website, on alternatives to plastic straws, revealing that the story isn’t just a one-off. “I’m so excited to be contributing a monthly column to @poosh,” she wrote in the caption. “I wanna share ‘green living’ tips and products I’ve learned about along the way and talk about eco friendly choices we can ALL make in our day to day life! Small changes can make a big impact!”

In an excerpt she shared from her first column, Shepherd argues that cleaning reusable straws takes less time than “perfecting a winged liner.” “Two seconds of your life contributes to a lifetime of living on a clean planet. I’d say it’s worth it,” she writes.

Despite the fact that Shepherd abruptly left her post as Kim’s assistant, she and Kourtney have maintained a close relationship. Kim has also defended Shepherd, saying, on a past episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, of letting her go, “I said, ‘I love you a lot, like a sister, and this conversation is really hard for me to have. But I just think that you’ve outgrown your position here.’ She was like, ‘I totally get it, and I totally respect you, and you’ve taught me everything. I’m so grateful, and I’ve been with you for five years.’” The pair also confirmed that they’re still friends in a video for Kim’s now-defunct lifestyle app. Plus, Kim recently chimed in after Shepherd put an unnamed celebrity on blast for being rude to her at a house party.

Considering how many photos Shepherd and Kourtney have shared of their joint workouts, it would’t be surprising if one of Shepherd’s future columns were centered around fitness. Either way, Shepherd’s latest job should finally put to rest any rumors that she’s on anything but good terms with the family.