Sarah Jessica Parker Teases Hocus Pocus Sequel, Which Hopefully Doesn’t Turn Out Like Sex and the City 3

It was just a few years ago when word leaked that Sarah Jessica Parker was set to reunite the gang and reprise one of her most iconic roles. The project, then, was a rumored third Sex and the City movie, and the excitement over the prospect was high. Well, high amongst fans, but not co-star Kim Cattrall. In an episode of drama we, as a culture, are still struggling to comprehend, the project blew up before our very eyes. Cattrall reportedly felt she had little left to explore with her character Samantha Jones. Rumors of a potentially offensive storyline involving Samantha still linger.
Now, two years later, Parker is hinting that another reunion with different a famous cast may be on the horizon. Lets hope things go smoother this time.
Over the weekend, Parker posted a film still from her Halloween classic Hocus Pocus on Instagram, which, had some fans wondering if a sequel may actually be in the works. “We have all said yes,” Parker replied in the comments section. “Now we wait.”
The IG tease came just days after Parker’s co-stars and fellow Sanderson sisters Bette Midler and Kathy Najimy also commented on rumors that the upcoming Disney+ streaming service may be interested in conjuring up some sort of continuation of the franchise. The pair were in attendance at Midler’s annual star-studded annual Halloween party in Manhattan when they addressed the topic.
“Oh, my goodness me. Oh, I hope they get to me before I’m a corpse. We wanna fly again,” Midler told Entertainment Weekly. “I hope Disney+ is a big success and I hope we get to do it, because [Winifred] is, of course, one of my favorite characters… I can’t wait to read the script. We’re gonna see what happens.”
Najimy tempered the excitement a bit, noting that all three actresses have numerous projects in the works, but added, “if we’re not all available to star in it, I think it would be so great to do a cameo. I think that’d be really fun.”
Incidentally, news of a potential Hocus Pocus remake or sequel first emerged at the same time the future of Sex and the City imploded. However, it was originally reported to be a Disney Channel remake with none of the original cast involved. The idea didn’t sit well with Midler (who threw a bit of shade at it at the time), nor with fans.
Hocus Pocus has become a touchstone for the Millennial generation not for its beloved plot and theme, but also for the performances of its central three witches, most notable Midler’s Winifred. Like Julie Andrews in Mary Poppins or Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire, it’s an example of a enchanting talent ratcheting up the camp and ditching subtlety in a movie squarely aimed at children (a genre not necessarily known for showcasing great theatrical talent). It’s the kind of performance that leaves a lasting impression on an age group that probably doesn’t quite understand what, exactly, acting is, let alone what constitutes a good example of it, and manages to stay with them.
So the idea of a Hocus Pocus movie without Midler, Parker and Najimy makes about as much sense to it’s audience as a remake of The Sopranos without James Gandolfini or a Devil Wears Prada sequel without Meryl Streep. No one wants it.
Teasing the idea of a sequel with the original trio is a dangerous game. If it doesn’t come to fruition or if it is, indeed, merely just a cameo, audiences may feel cheated. But considering the fact that all this talk is coming just days before the launch of Disney+, there’s at least some chance this is a coordinated push to drum up excitement. Here’s hoping it works out better than Sex and the City 3.